Thursday, July 21, 2011

CSI Lesson Two (22/7/2011)

Fingerprint patterns in Class:
Class Class Index Number Your fingerprint pattern
210 9 loops
210 4 loops
210 10 loops
210 2 arches
210 24 whorls
210 28 whorls
210 27 whorls
210 15 loops
210 29 loops
213 27 whorls
213 17 whorls
213 7 whorls
213 15 loops
213 20 loops
213 26 loops
213 30 loops
213 32 arches
213 25 loops
213 24 loops
213 23 arches
213 31 whorls
213 16 whorls
213 13 whorls
213 21 whorls
213 4 arches
213 29 loops
213 2 whorls
213 14 arches
213 19 arches
213 22 loops
213 6 loops
213 10 loops
213 3 loops
213 33 loops
213 18 loops
213 28 loops
210 18 whorls
210 19 loops
210 17 whorls
210 3 whorls
210 21 whorls
210 8 loops
210 25 loops
210 6 loops
210 10 whorls
210 30 loops
210 25 loops
210 1 loops
210 16 loops
210 20 whorls
210 31 whorls
210 6 loops
210 32 whorls
210 5 loops
210 13 loops
210 7 loops
210 11 whorls
210 26 loops
210 12 whorls
210 23 whorls
213 1 loops

No. of students
Patterns 210 213
Arches 1 5
Whorls 14 8
Loops 18 15

Percentage of students

Patterns 210 213
Arches 3% 18%
Whorls 42% 29%
Loops 55% 54%

CSI Fingerprinting Answers to Questions:
Ridges and Pores Activity
Q)Where are the pores found? Are they regularly spaced?
A)They are found on the ridges of fingerprints. Yes, they are regularly spaced.

Cyanoacrylate(Superglue) Fuming Method
Q)If the contrast of the white against the black background is still too faint for a good detailed photograph to be captured, what could be done to enhance the fingerprint?
A)Dye the fingerprint with fuorescent substance to make it glow in UV light.

Iodine Fuming Method
Q)What are the possible substances that may be used to render the prints more permanent?

Powder Dusting Method
Q)What is the magnetic powder dusting and how does it work?

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