Sunday, July 17, 2011

CSI Lesson One (18/7/2011)

Slylock observed:
-type of trash
-bull is herbivore--> thus only can eat plants.
-racoon is omnivore-->can eat both plants and animals
-thus, racoon is the trash thrower.

Activity Two Reflection:
First time, I did not see the moonwalking bear as i was concentrating on the number of passes that the white team made.
However, during the second time, I ignored the passes and saw the moonwalking bear.

Activity Three:
Different types of physical evidence:
Hair, Fibre, Footprints, Scratch prints, Wound, Letter, Fingerprint, Blood stain, WOund, Paint chips.

Pathology, Forensic sciences, coroner, Ballistic

Evidence and Clues found:
Used a blade, strong enough to pierce into the heart
Used a crowbar to break into the house
Murderer drags his feet
Fingerprint matched the male murder suspect (the electrician, Patrick Murray)
Match the type of paper the woman used to check whether she visited the store. Ask workers there whether they recognise her. Woman is also environmentally friendly.
suspect has to be 5'9" tall and check whether he has a criminal record or self defence background
Time of death 10.30pm and check for alibi
Paint Chips-check whether it can be found on the suspect's body or on the tool.

The electrician, Patrick Murray, is the murderer because Mr. Hughes died at 10.30pm and the electrician was seen walking back and froth Mr. Hughes property at 10.15pm. The other two women came at 1pm and 4pm. Also, his fingerprint was found on the broken vas

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